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If a single name, or part of a name, is entered then a search is performed that will match the entered name if it appears anywhere in a person's first or last name. Entries are not case sensitive.

for example

Searching for "wilbur" will return:
Ann Wilbur
John Wilburson
Wilbur Johnson
Searching for "richard" will return:
Joe Richard
Amy Richards
Richard Smith

If a first and last name are entered, or partial parts thereof, then a search matches entries where the first name begins with the entered first substring and the last name begins with the second. It will also search for first names beginning with the second substring and last names beginning with the first substring, so first and last names may be entered in any order.
for example

Searching for either "a smith" or "smith a" returns:
Ann Smith
Adam Smithinson

Wildcards (*) may be used to match arbitrary parts of a name.

for example

Searching for "*lison w" returns:
Allison Williams
Alison Watson


Campus Information (860) 486-2000

Information in this directory may not be used for mailings to students, faculty, staff, or parents of students. Any solicitation of business, contributions, information, or other responses from individuals listed in this directory, by mail, telephone, e-mail, or other means is forbidden.